I've been working out for over 20 years. What do I do to stay in shape? I've been a Firm user for years now and currently am using the Transfirmation series along with the Transfirmer.
I work out 3 days a week at my gym. Usually I do 20 - 45 minutes of cardio there on either the elliptical or the treadmill. I must say I am an elliptical fan. I then do circuit training on all of the machines, working my upper and lower body on alternating days. At home, when I'm not working out at the gym, I do one of my Firm workouts. They're fun and user-friendly. The instructors are all normal, like-able women and are very good at cuing you on the next move. I highly recommend these workouts, especially to newbies. You can start out without using weights and following the designated beginner. But if you are more advanced follow the rest of the instructors and feel free to use heavier weights as you progress. I know you will see results if you stick to it. I always say don't be afraid to use heavy weights. You won't bulk up! You'll simply be adding more fat-burning muscle to sculpt your body and give you the shape you want.
I also have discovered through Michelle Berger's Buff Mother, the benefits of Hormonal Timing. Check it out. You will learn how to stop fighting the hormones raging through your body and work with them to build the body of your dreams. It's not a gimmick. I had never really even thought about how my hormones were sabotaging my fitness efforts all along. But now I work with them and I've made incredible gains. I'm 42 years old and never been in better shape.

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